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We are a Bible-believing church. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and that every word in its original autograph was inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Declaration of Church Direction


We are a Bible-believing church. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and that every word in its original autograph was inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the highest and final standard for our faith, living and conduct. We believe the gospel of born again is the only way of salvation. Man must repent and receive Jesus Christ as his Savior to receive eternal life. We believe the authority of God to be supreme above all human authorities. The church must seek in prayer the guidance of God. If our preferences conflict with the Word of God, we must yield our preferences and submit to God. We see the proclamation of the Bible as the church’s primary task, that all may come to know God through the Bible, and that our lives can be conformed to the teachings of the Bible. Our church structure models after the guidelines as revealed in the Bible. The church must not operate in contradiction to Biblical principles. The chief aim of all ministries is to glorify God.

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